I would like to THANK YOU once again for assisting me on my journey to reaching 1 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!
10 years ago, I made a video with a list of over 60 languages that I wanted to study by 2020. Out of that list, I have studied over 40 languages, not to mention the ones that I have studied which aren’t on that list. It just so happens that the year 2020 marked my video’s 10-year language learning milestone and I also happened to reach 1 million subscribers this year!
In celebration of 1 million subscribers on YouTube, and as a follow up to my 2010 video, I will be speaking 20+ languages live with native speakers on YouTube!
We will be discussing different topics, for example food, travel, education, & history etc.
Here is the lineup that I have released so far:
Assyrian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Twi, Italian, Mongolian, French, & Farsi!
Stay tuned for more updates on my Linguistic Live Stream via email, or you can connect with me on INSTAGRAM!
Signing off,